
The Breath unveiled in London

A ground-breaking material that has been hailed by top medical experts for its ability to absorb ...

“Vite Coraggiose” (Courageous lives): Urban Vision supports the fight of Bambin Gesù against rare diseases

Urban Vision and Fondazione Bambino Gesu Onlus’s partnership continues thanks to the campaign "Vi...

The first silent disco of Piazza del Popolo

OOH: ACEA Energia and Urban Vision bring the “silent disco” for the first time to Pia...

Urban Vision launches its new Cultural Enhancement Unit at the Vatican

In December 2016, Urban Vision launched a new business unit in the beautiful Sala Regia – a state...

De Marchi new CEO of Urban Vision

Dopo 15 anni di presidenza, il chairman e cofondatore della media company assume la guida della s...

Urban Vision among the main sponsors of the Award “Costruiamo il futuro”

Saturday November 25, 2017 at the Auditorium Don Bosco, in Milan, was held the award ceremony “Co...

THE BREATH a sustainable out of home

Urban Vision has started an exclusive partenrship with Anemotech for distribution in Italy and En...

Sony Pictures / Warner bros: Spiderman a new universe

Urban Vision together with Sony Pictures and Warner Bros for the unconventional launch of "Spider...

TRECCANI for the Italian language

#leparolevalgono is the corporate campaign designed by the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia ...

Clean air advertising on Brompton Road

A billboard containing air-purifying technology currently on display in London could clean up fil...

Piccadilly Circus and Leicester Square stage of Urban Vision OOH

The leading Italian company in sponsored restoration has consolidated its presence in the dynamic...


In July 2016 the President of Urban Vision Gianluca De Marchi organized in Rome the charity event...

Salmo Playlist: Everyone Wants a Piece

La nuova attività crossmediale targata Urban Vision, realizzata per Sony Music in collaborazione ...

Urban Vision and TIM launch the European’s largest green billboard

Thanks to Urban Vision, TIM inaugurates in Milan the largest green billboard in Europe, counting ...

Urban Vision once again supports Anlaids

For the second consecutive year, Urban Vision, supports Anlaids (National Association for the fig...