
Wired: Interview with Gianluca De Marchi

It is not uncommon in recent years, when encountering one of the great Italian monuments wrapped ...

Urban Vision’s Campaign Against Violence on Women Featured on “Otto e Mezzo”

During a segment on “Otto e Mezzo” aired on La7, journalist Paolo Pagliaro spotlighte...

When OOH helps clean the air

Can advertising help solve the pollution problem? The answer is Ad/sorbent, the first OOH circuit...

Urban Vision partners with Rai for Sanremo

An innovative idea born from the collaboration between Urban Vision and Rai, which allowed the Sa...

TIM and URBAN VISION: Real-time adaptive advertising on digital billboards is here

For the first time in Italy, TIM and Urban Vision Group implement a solution characterised by inn...

Urban Vision is an Official Supporter of the Jubilee 2025

The collaboration officially begins on October 1, 2024, with the inauguration of the Official Inf...

Urban Vision for the first time alongside the David di Donatello Award.

On the giant screens of the media company, exclusive content featuring the faces and stories of t...

Salmo launches his new album “FLOP”

Salmo launches his new album “flop” on Urban Vision’s maxi leds, with a spectacular 3D campaign. ...

Urban Vision revolutionizes the outdoor communication with the first 3D video animation Maxi Leds in Rome and Milan

Once again Urban Vision guides the outdoor world towards a new frontier: an extraordinary 3D vide...

Artwall: on air in Milan the new Calvin Klein campaign

Clavin Klein choose Urban Vision for its new campaign that launches the capsule collection made i...

Urban Vision is exclusive outdoor media partner of the event-series “VIZI E VIRTÙ” with Pope Francesco

An unprecedented event where the Holy Pontiff shares his reflections on the founding themes of Ca...

Forestami is back on Urban Vision maxi LEDs

It has been reconfirmed the media partnership with Forestami, the project of the Metropolitan Cit...

Palace of the Chancellery. Notebook of the restoration site.

L’opera, curata dall’architetto Maria Mari è stata cofinanziata da Urban Vision, che si è anche o...

Urban Vision restores the Barcaccia Fountain

THE RESTORATION PROJECT The degradation affecting the Barcaccia fountain has prompted the Municip...

Gucci’s new art walls are on air

Urban Vision al fianco della maison fiorentina per la realizzazione del progetto a Milano.